Our Philosophy
Small Wonders is a place where your child will experience love, laughter, and learning! In an atmosphere of Christian beliefs, our goal is to work with parents in the nurturing and development of their child for a lifelong journey of learning. The goal of our program is to enhance the total growth of each child with
Bible time
Visits by community members/agencies
Community service projects
Established Abeka curriculum
Arts, crafts, and sports activities
Spiritual development to give children an understanding of God's presence in our world
Help children develop a positive self-image through the knowledge of God's love
Developmental Goals
Spiritual development
Social development
Intellectual development
Physical development
Emotional development
Snacks & Lunches
Morning and afternoon snacks will be provided by Small Wonders.
A voluntary meal plan is available at a cost of $3 per day to feed your child lunch.
If you do not wish to enroll in the meal plan, you are expected to pack a lunch for your child.
Sack lunch food items cannot be heated or prepared in any way and cannot contain any nut products.
Our weekly menu will always be posted the first of the week.
**If there are food allergies or dietary restrictions for medical reasons, contact our office.
Days & Hours of Operation
7:00 AM - 5:30 PM, Monday through Friday
Minimum enrollment is 2 days
Enrollment options of 2, 3, 4, or 5 days a week
Phone: (661) 387-6363
Tuition & Fees
Potty Trained | Monthly Tuition
5 days - $890
4 days - $712
3 days - $534
2 days - $356
Non-Potty Trained | Monthly Tuition
5 days - $970
4 days - $776
3 days - $582
2 days - $388
In addition to monthly tuition, there is also a $100 annual registration fee.
Small Wonders will be closed on
Martin Luther King Jr. Day, President’s Day, Memorial Day, Fourth of July, Labor Day, Thanksgiving & the Friday after, Christmas Eve, & Christmas Day.
Small Wonders will also be closed 2 weeks out of each calendar year: one week in the month of June as Valley Baptist Church hosts Vacation Bible School and the week between Christmas Eve Day and New Year's Day for cleaning and maintenance of our facility.
Job Opportunities:
Small Wonders is looking to hire. Stop by the reception desk for questions or to fill out an application. Requirements: Minimum of 12 Early Childhood Education Units.