Mexico City, Mexico
What a week!
Our team of 6 saw God move during their week in Mexico. They partnered with Vida Nueva Mexico City to go out and reach the lost of Mexico. Every morning our team went out and did street evangelism throughout the city. In the evenings they would hold pet and family festivals in local parks. During the week 175 people professed faith in Jesus Christ! It was an amazing week of ministry. That really helped our team members understand “The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few, pray that the Lord of the harvest would send out more laborers.“ Please pray for the church as they follow up with each decision, and as they work to advance the kingdom of God. Thank you for your prayers!
More Info
Who Went?: 6 Adults
What did they do?: Street Evangelism and Family Festivals
Departed: March 2nd, 2024
Returned: March 8th, 2024
Professions of Faith: 175
For more information on future trips, contact:
Pastor Jeremy Doyle