Welcome New Members!
We are so excited to officially have you as part of our Valley Baptist Church family! On this page, you will find some important videos that our Pastors have specifically put together to help you understand a little more about our church history, some of our beliefs, and what's to come! We would love to have you take some time to check all of these out.
Questions? Please contact our Next Steps Team at nextsteps@valleybaptist.org or 661-387-6321.
wELCOME TO Valley Baptist
Who you’re Joining
History of Valley Baptist
Join the mission
how we're organized
Dinner with the Pastors
We also want to invite you to a special dinner that we are hosting in your honor! This dinner is a special opportunity to gather together with other new members, meet some of our staff, and hear from Pastor Andrew and Pastor Brian in a Q&A setting as they share about our rich church history and vision for the future. You can sign up below. We hope you can join us!
Multiple times throughout the spring and fall, we hold special dinners at Pastor Andrew's home in honor of our new members. This free event provides an opportunity to meet and fellowship with our Pastors and other new members, and you're invited!
Spring 2024
Available for babies - 5th grade
Dinner is provided for kids, too!
A link to register kids will be provided in the confirmation email when you sign up