Men’s Bible Studies
Thursday Mornings
6:00 AM each Thursday morning off-campus at Infinity Communications & Consulting, 4909 Calloway Dr. Ste 105, 93312. Led by Fred Brakeman.
Men’s Journey groups at 6:00 - 7:30 AM. These are open groups, so men can join at any time during the year. Meet at the Fruitvale Campus in the Multi-Purpose Auditorium. Contact Brad Newburg at 661-444-1857 or bnewburg@trinitysafetyco.com to see if room is available.
Thursday Evenings
7:30 PM each Thursday night in room CH 220-222 in the Kids Building on the Fruitvale Campus. Led by Walter Strickland Sr.
Friday mornings
Men’s Journey groups at 6:00 - 7:30 AM. These are open groups, so men can join at any time during the year. Meet at the Fruitvale Campus in the Multipurpose Auditorium. Contact Brad Newburg, at 661-444-1857 or bnewburg@trinitysafetyco.com to see if there is room available.
7:00 AM each Saturday morning on the Fruitvale Campus in the Student Lounge. Led by Kevin Knudsen. For more info or questions, contact Kevin at 661.304.0837 or email at kevin.knudsen@sbcglobal.net.
Men’s Life Groups
Common Valor
9:30 AM Sunday mornings in the Education Bldg: Room E 206 on the Fruitvale Campus. Led by Devonne Edwards.
To receive periodic devotionals and announcements specific to men at Valley Baptist Church, text START to 661.387.2075.
You can also share prayer requests or get info by texting that number or by emailing men@valleybaptist.org.